January - december 1904


Johan Braakensiek Jan. 3rd.,1904

Entry of the armed Netherlands in 1904.

Minister Bergansius (to the Dutch Maiden) : Madam, this way you will enter the new year safely.
Minister Kuyper (to the angel of peace) : A vehicle of peace; you understand because the country wants peace I have to prepare it for war.



Johan Braakensiek, Jan.10th, 1904

China and the war danger in East Asia.

The China man (to his neighbours) : If only I knew which one of you will be beaten . . I would like to join the other.



Johan Braakensiek, Jan.17th, 1904

Minister v.Lijnden in The Hague and Minister Kuyper at Brussels.



Johan Braakensiek Jan. 24th,1904

Twenty-five years ago.

His Majesty King Willem III and his youthfull wife, Queen Emma.


 Johan Braakensiek, Jan.31st, 1904

Argument among Calvinists about the dance at the state ball..


Johan Braakensiek, Febr.7th, 1904

Two ministers who made a slip of the tongue and two Mayors in the First Chamber.

Dr.v. Leeuwen (at Loeff, to Vening Meinesz) : An acute case of lapsus linguae, for which I have given him a pill . . .
Dr. Vening Meinesz (at Kuyper, to Van Leeuwen): Indeed, colleague, he may be cured but with the other the disease has become chronic and he also suffers from indiscretion . . .



 Johan Braakensiek, Febr.14th, 1904

The Lord of Peace goes to war.

The Angel of peace : Nicolas! Look how they treat me? Do you also betray my hope?
The Czar : Yes, Miss, but this trip is not for fun . . . it's for business!



Johan Braakensiek, Febr.21st, 1904

The secret of the French-Russian Alliance.

Marianne (to the tried friend) : 'Nicolas, mon ami, what did we agree upon?'
John Bull (the latest friend) : 'She is signaling to go away, but I should say, it concerns me too!'



Johan Braakensiek, Febr.28th, 1904

Lohman's speech in Parliament about the Free University.



Johan Braakensiek, Mar.6th, 1904

 Not in his right element.

The Japanese sailor : I dare you to come out of your corner, heavy monster!
The Russian Bear : You come to my steppe, you vicious water-dog, then I will teach you!



Johan Braakensiek Mar. 13th,1904

Protest of the clergymen against to Kuyper's bill for the founding of the Free University in Amsterdam.



Johan Braakensiek, Mar.20th, 1904

The withdrawal of the issue of 15 million treasury bonds at 4%.

The Dutch Maiden (to Kuyper) : What a mess! While you and Loeff are still in hospital, now Harte has burned his fingers again.
And I wonder if he will manage to keep his right hand in good health. . .



Johan Braakensiek, Mar.27th, 1904

Higher import duties on tobacco.

The common people : Mister Harte, your havanna cigar will not taste less, but our pipe and cigarette tobacco . . . you should try once how its taste is allready.



Johan Braakensiek, Apr.3rd, 1904

War propaganda.

Mikado (to admiral Togo) : Admiral, how strange how everyone and everything conspires to tell lies about the war; even the Sea joins in . . . there she lets the Russian ships sail again which you had destroyed.
Admiral Togo : Yes even Nature is corrupted by the Russians - she is not better than the others!



Johan Braakensiek, Apr.10th, 1904

Cleansing of the Serbian court.

Peter (to Frans Jozef, Nicolas and Victor Emanuel) : Are you satisfied now? I have sent all the murderers of Alexander away, let us shake hands now . . .
Frans Jozef : Hands? . . Are your hands clean, shouldn't you wash them first?



Johan Braakensiek, Apr.17th, 1904

The treaty with France.

V.Lijnden (to the Dutch Maiden) : Marianne was so charming. It is such a pleasure to associate with the great powers. Who will I see next?
The Dutch Maiden : Yes, but it can be dangerous too. Why don't you visit after Denmark, countries like Switzerland, Romania, Montenegro and Monaco?



Johan Braakensiek, Apr.24th, 1904

Kuyper's politics and the Catholic party.

The Catholic party (whispering to Kuyper) : That person (the Liberal party) doesn't need to hear; and I will swallow these two puddings (tariff law and liquor law) as I did the higher-education-pudding, because of you - but if you think I like them, you are quite mistaken!



Johan Braakensiek, Mai 1th, 1904

The immobile bridge at Velsen.


Johan Braakensiek, Mai 8th, 1904

The speeches of Kaiser Wilhelm at Karlsruh and Mainz.

Delcassé (to Loubet) : In the end I think he is jealous of you. . . Poor Von Bülow . . if only he doesn't revenge himself upon him!


Johan Braakensiek, Mai 15th, 1904

The liquor law.

Kuyper (to Lohman) : You don't know, brother, how much I will love this child. I am a very proud father.
Lohman : I understand completely - and how you have dressed her nicely!
Kuyper : Yes, indeed. I'm not finished yet, but no one can say that the cut isn't mine. From top to bottom she is made to my design [patches of revisions and amendments].


Johan Braakensiek, Mai 22th, 1904

The higher education law and the First Chamber.

Don Quichotte (v.d. Biesen) to Sancho Panza (Kuyper) : You stay with your donkey; I will eliminate the enemy . . .



Johan Braakensiek Mai. 29th,1904

Germany and the Rusian-Japanese War.

V.Bülow (to Kaiser Wilhelm) : Majesty, shall I telegraph Tokio for their losses at sea: Japan's grief is Germany's grief?
Wilhelm : No more telegrams! I still remember the one to Krüger - and they won't forget easily the condolence to the Czar. . .



Johan Braakensiek, June 5th, 1904

The politics and the regional elections.



Johan Braakensiek, June 12th, 1904

The liquor law and the Second Chamber.

Bacchus (to Minister Kuyper) : Although you fight me, I still have pity on you and the others. You'll see, without a strong cordial you will never come to a good end . . .



Johan Braakensiek June 19th,1904

The end to the crisis in the Diamond industry.

The Lady of Amsterdam : Happy Antwerp, bringer of peace! My rival and my saviour!



Johan Braakensiek, June 26th, 1904

The higher education law and the First Chamber after the regional elections.

Circus Master Kuyper : Forward ! Jump through it, even if your legs are a bit stiff! - If you don't, I will teach you!



Johan Braakensiek July 3rd,1904

Tolstoï about the Czar and the war.

Tolstoï in the Bear pit.



Johan Braakensiek, July 10th, 1904

A doubtful case for an ally.

Japanese (to John Bull) : "John my friend, I fear Wilhelm and Nicolas are going to give a nasty performance. If Wilhelm is going to help the Russian, it will hit you, my friend; then you will have to join me in the fight0!"


Johan Braakensiek, July 17th, 1904

The First Chamber and the higher education law (Part 2. See also June 26th.)

She still won't jump this time, the Old Lady (= the First Chamber). This unreliable circus whip won't get the 'effectus civilus' through.


Johan Braakensiek July 24th,1904

The dissolution of the First Chamber.

The first victims of the dissolution-guillotine.



Johan Braakensiek July 31,1904

Krüger's dead.

John Bull : 'Would he be realy dead?!
If only he doesn't rise from the dead again.
You never knows . . .



Johan Braakensiek Aug. 7,1904

Russia after the murder of Minister Plehwe.

Czar Peter the Great (to Czar Nicolas II) : 'Use your own eyes; don't close your ears for anybody; do your own investigation and you will spare Russia a lot of misery and cruelty!'



Johan Braakensiek Aug. 14,1904

The old history of the mote in one's brother's eye and not the beam in one's own
(Henniker Heaton's interpellation in the British Parliament).

John Bull :"Really, my dear, Henniker Heaton has a point. Fighting against women and children! You better take an example by my 
concentration camps".
The Dutch Maiden: "I fight my enemies; I do not torture them".



Johan Braakensiek, Aug.21st, 1904

The new colonels of the Russian army.

Japanese army commanders (seeing the new colonels) : 'Save your lives! Now our cause is lost!'



Johan Braakensiek Aug. 28,1904

The war making Big Powers and the Chinese Treaty-Harbours

Chinese Taotai. " Dear friends, I gave you the whole of Manchuria to fight in! Can't you leave me in peace here? "



Johan Braakensiek, Sept.4th, 1904

Looking for a place in the Haque for the new Carnegie Peace-building


Johan Braakensiek, Sept.11th, 1904

Linguistic conflict in Belgium


Johan Braakensiek, Sept.18th, 1904

Kaiser Wilhelm's toast to the German fleet.


Johan Braakensiek, Sept.25th, 1904

The Queen's speech 1904.


Johan Braakensiek, Oct.2nd, 1904

Mr. van Houten in the First Chamber


Johan Braakensiek, Oct.9th, 1904

The liquor law in the First Chamber


Johan Braakensiek, Oct.16th, 1904

Het noodwetje betreffende de Staten-verkiezingen in Overijsel


Johan Braakensiek, Oct.23th, 1904

The rebellion in German South-West Africa

Keizerin Augusta (tot Wilhelm) : Wat moet dat! Waar ga je heen, Wilhelm?
Wilhelm : Als keizer van de Heresoos en Witbois, en als verdesvorst, wil ik mijn Hottentotten toespreken . . . een woord van mij is nog nooit verkeerd begrepen of heeft zijn uitwerking gemist.


Johan Braakensiek Oct. 30,1904

The Baltic fleet and the English fishing-boats

John Bull : Goddam, zoo'n vuilik; hij kan je nog niet voorbijkomen, of hij veegt zijn smerige snuit aan je af.


Johan Braakensiek, Nov.6th, 1904

Het aanstaande overlijden van het Noodwetje voor de Overijselsche Staten-verkiezing.

Ned.Maagd (tot moeder Kuyper) : De toestand is hopeloos, hè? Nu, ik heb er dadelijk een zwaar hoofd in gehad. . .
Moeder Kuyper : Ja Mevrouw, maar 't is zoo hard; hier is menschelijke schuld! De baker heeft gore melk in het fleschje gedaan . . .
Baker Lohman : Och neen, Mevrouw, dat is het niet; al vóór dien tijd verging het wurm van het zuur. 
Broeder Nolens : Ik begrijp, moedertje, dat je je zoo eenzaam zult gevoelen, maar geen verwijten, lieve zuster; hier voegt berusting . . . het is altijd een zegen als zulke stumpertjes vroeg worde thuisgehaald. . . .


Johan Braakensiek, Nov.13th, 1904

Het jongste rapport over den toestand van het Noordzeekanaal.

Hubrecht (tot de Marez Oyens) : Maar Jan, hoe kom jij aan zoo'n haast? De spoorwegbrug te Velsen heeft juist een jaar ongebruikt gelegen: sedert de aanbesteding van den onderbouw zijn ruim vier jaren verlopen; en vijf en een half jaar, nadat het opruimen van de oude brug werd gelast, ligt zij er nog tot hinder van de scheepvaart . . .
De Marez Oyens : Och, houd me niet op ; dat zijn wereldsche zaken ! Ik heb als Christelijke Minister een hoogere roeping. Eerst moet de duivel er aan, ik moet de menschenzielen redden.
Hubrecht : Met je postwetje?


Johan Braakensiek Nov.20th,1904

Roosevelt reelected.

Jonathan (tot Roosevelt) : Zeg eens, nu heb je vier jaar voor je en je kunt niet weer herkozen worden . . . zou je nu niet den Wereldvrede maar aan zijn lot overlaten, en je toeleggen op je eigenlandsvrede . . . door dat trustmonster te vermoorden?


Johan Braakensiek, Nov.27th, 1904

Van Maurik en zijn geesteskinderen.


Johan Braakensiek, Dec.4th, 1904

The political Saint Nicolas.

Staalman (bij de afstraffing van de Stuers en Sutorius) : Wat een geluk, als je niet meer met zoo"n ouden bisschop te maken hebt...!
St. Nicolaas : Neen, hè; maar jij krijgt regelrecht van je Paus.


Johan Braakensiek, Dec.11th, 1904

De spoedige hulp van het Rijk aan de noodlijdende Gemeenten.


Johan Braakensiek, Dec.18th, 1904

De partijgroepeering voor de stembus 1905.

Ned. Maagd : "Uit den weg , jongens, alleen deze twee heeren rijd ik naar het terrein van den strijd.


Johan Braakensiek, Dec.25th, 1904

De Duitsche Rijntollen.